Our company, originally established in 2012 under the name ÇETİK ELEKTRİK & ELEKTRONİK, has evolved into ÇETİK GRUP ENERJİ SAN. TİC. A.Ş. With a rapidly growing portfolio, a dynamic young team, and a broad vision, we proudly bring 17 years of industry experience to the fields of electrical, electronics, information technology, construction, engineering, chemistry, agriculture, and livestock. We are committed to delivering quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction in all our services, making us a strong contender in our sectors.
Gained experiences with different projects...
With the power from our experienced staff...
We determine the best approach by analyzing the requirements of the project.
By generating new ideas through technological advancements, we create modern works.
With our expert team, we meticulously construct the project, considering every details.
We ensure the flawless delivery of the project, completed using the most accurate and efficient methods.
We strive to provide you with the fastest and highest quality service.